Website Services

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Organic Search Optimization

Do you want your company's website to place highly in search results but aren't sure how to get that done? We can help by maximizing your site's "organic" searchability and by helping you to navigate the various "pay-for-click" systems available.  Usually, this can entail some level of content reorganization and new content production.  We don't hawk bizarre back-link schemes or promise astounding results before cutting and running with your money, but we will work to enhance your site's prominence in search results.  It's not often an overnight process (though sometimes one sees results fairly quickly, depending on the nature of the changes made), but substantial improvements can almost always be made in 1-3 months.  As part of our SEO process, we also leverage the power of analytics to ensure that we're correctly targeting the audience your business serves.

Search Algorithms

We have often heard people express their frustration and confusion regarding the various search algorithms in use today. While this is understandable (they are largely a black box, after all), we don't focus on "cracking the algorithm" so much as on making sure our client's sites are well organized and rich with relevant content in order to work with the alorigthms. To the extent that we recommend (or our clients desire) paying Google (or other services) for sponsored placement in search results, we tend to favor a short-term approach designed to augment the organic results. In other words, we may recommend boosting until the organic results begin to show their efficacy. Any such boosting/advertising is dependent, of course, on our client's budgets and we strive to make the most of every ad dollar we're entrusted to manage. After all, it doesn't make sense to spend money on ineffective advertisement.

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Maintenance & Updates

Reduce vulnerability

Unfortunately or no, websites are seldom a "once and done" thing. They often require updating and maintenance. Depending on the website platform used by your company's site, this may be more or less complicated and time consuming.  Add to that the likelihood that various plugins used have their own release cycles and vulnerabilities and we find that a website which is not regularly maintained and updated often proves vulnerable to cyberattack and compromise. Proper maintenance can often ensure a safer, more stable, and more usable experience for your clients.  We can handle all of this, regardless of your site's platform.

Service Packages

To this end, we offer general maintenance, update, backup, and hardening services. Often, combining these services with our SEO services can go a long way towards optimizing the performance (and return on investment) of your business's website.

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If you're just starting a new business, you probably need a website built. Similarly, perhaps you've been in business for a while and already have a website for it but it's no longer feeling fresh (and maybe looks a bit... dated)? Either way, it may be time for a new website. We got our start in business by building websites for small businesses and we remain committed to building quality web products for our small business clients.


We know that, in today's environment, your businesses website may be central to your business strategy, so we recognize the importance of providing you with an excellent product with the minimum of disruption to your existing service. We actively strive to reduce site downtime as much as possible, seeking to perform any necessary migrations during low-use periods (often very late at night).


We are familiar with a variety of platforms and hosting options, so we can help you decide what will best serve your business needs. Whether it's WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, WooCommerce, Shopify, or any other, we can help.

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Blog-related Services

Blog = regularly updated content = improved search placement

You may be aware that running a "blog" on your website can help your website's placement in search results because you're frequently providing new content for the search engine's bots to index. In some ways, it is one of the most powerful tools a business has to optimze their site's search engine placement. It can also be a lot of work to produce, proofread, and publish a post (all while considering that post's SEO) on a regular (say, weekly) basis.

Let us help

We can take some of that burden off of you and your team so that you can get back to doing what you love. That's why our motto is "doing for your business so you don't have to." We can carefully craft content and publish blog posts for you that enhance and effectuate your business strategy.  Any post we produce for your company will meet our baseline SEO standards to make sure it helps your website's placement in search results. Combining this service with an ongoing or term contract for Maintenance and SEO services will further ensure that we're able to squeeze the greatest benefit possible from the site's content.

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Custom Web Apps

From a certain perspective, all websites are "apps", but not all apps serve the purpose. Often, a small business website exists to provide information to potential or existing clients/customers about that business. Such a website may also offer products or services for sale, allowing their customers to purchase those products and services directly on that website. While these apps often entail a certain level of complexity, they are, in the scope of things, fairly "basic" apps.

It's possible that your business needs something a little more... complicated. Maybe you need to be able to provide invoicing or perform inventory management. You might need to to coordinate shared data for multiple users on an intranet. Maybe you need a RESTful API constructed or you want your site to be an SPA? Or maybe your business is "an app" but you need some help getting started with the implementation? We can help!

We can build your web app.

Contact us for more information!
Contact us for more information!
A note about pricing...

All of our services are customized to fit your business needs. Some services can be provided on a one-off basis, but others may be better provided on an ongoing or periodically recurring basis. Because we fine tune our service provision to meet your needs, the price of our services vary depending on the scope and method(s) such provision entails. Because of this, we prefer, at this time, not to publish fixed rates or estimates for our services, as these may prove misleading to the extent they don't accurately describe your business context and needs.

Contact us today
to set up a free initial consultation to discuss how we can help your business get to the next level. Once we have mutually determined the service scope and ideal method of provision, Lloyd Business Services LLC will provide you with a written estimate detailing the projected cost and any related details.  If you wish to engage our services at that point, you will be provided a letter of engagement detailing the scope and terms of the agreement.  Simply sign and return it and we will begin!

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